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Dr. Jamie Galka

Jamie Galka Title: Instructor
Phone: 204.786.9732
Office: 2RC052 - Lab: 3RC039, 3RC038, 3RC037
Building: Richardson College for the Environment and Science Complex
Email: j.galka@uwinnipeg.ca



CHEM 1111 Introduction to Chemical Properties
CHEM 1112 Basic Chemical Reactivity
CHEM 2502 Introduction to Biochemistry - Lab
CHEM 3502 Intermediate Biochemistry I
CHEM 3502 Intermediate Biochemistry I - Lab
CHEM 3502 Intermediate Biochemistry - Lab Coordinator
CHEM 3503 Intermediate Biochemistry II
CHEM 3503 Intermediate Biochemistry II - Lab
CHEM-3503 Intermediate Biochemistry II - Lab Coordinator
CHEM 4506 Methods in Biochemistry
CHEM 4506 Methods in Biochemistry - Lab


Research Interests: