Thesis Information
This page contains the information and forms necessary for thesis-based graduate students to defend their thesis and complete their degree. For an overview of the thesis process, start with the Thesis Handbook, under Thesis Documents and Forms, below.
Appointment of Thesis Supervisor Form
Graduate Student & Supervisor Expectation Form
Appointment of Thesis Supervisory Committee Form
Appointment of External Examiner form
Thesis Exam Request and Appointment of Examiners Form
Winnspace Thesis Submission Form
WinnSpace is the Institutional Repository of 新月直播. The repository collects, preserves, and disseminates the intellectual output of the university in digital format. WinnSpace is openly accessible, which means that it is freely available to anyone via the internet. All graduate students from the University of Winnipeg who complete a thesis-based graduate program are required to upload their thesis to WinnSpace.