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2021 Participants: Inner-City Work Study

The 2021 program was challenged by the Covid pandemic with the class delivered online, and many student working both remotely and in person.

Roberta Godin

Roberta Godin is an Indigenous student studying at the University of Winnipeg in the Department of Urban and Inner-City Studies. Roberta is a band member of Seine River, Ontario but was born and lived all her life in Winnipeg. Her mother was an Indian Residential School survivor, and her siblings were taken during the 60s scoop, she was also a child in care of the child welfare system. Roberta has several years of lived experience with homelessness. The Inner-City Work-study Program will be Roberta’s first paid work experience. Not only will the Inner-City Study Program will help achieve her goal by helping others from a place where she once was but also to fulfill her dream by living financially independent. Roberta believes everyone has potential and the right to make their dreams a reality.

Dan Moulden

Dan Moulden: Age: 23 studying Urban and Inner-City Studies and Economics. Inner-City Work-Study offers a unique learning environment through the students, community leaders, and community organizations that are involved. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with a poverty advocacy organization and community residents. I hope to learn more about the complexities of poverty and the groups that advocate for the marginalized. Furthermore, I wish to learn more about how I can stand beside Indigenous people and be a part of reconciliation. I would recommend students partake in the program so they too can learn about poverty and participate in community initiatives.  

Andy Fridfinnson

Andy Fridfinnson He/Him age 21 studying Political Science

The Inner-City Work Study program is a great opportunity to become involved in grassroots initiatives and have a hand in the development in inner-city/downtown communities. I hope to learn new ways to benefit marginalized areas of the cities and develop my employable skills. I believe I can contribute a fresh perspective for my organization in delivering summer programming for children and create new ideas on how to benefit people facing barriers, alongside other program participants. I am very excited to take on my new role at Career Trek as Program assistant and contribute to children’s education.

Hannah Schneider

Hi! My name is Hannah Schneider (she/her), and I’m a 22-year-old entering into my fourth year in Sociology. I’ve lived in the Inner-City of Winnipeg for my entire life.  I am interested in participating in the Inner-City Work Study program because I believe in the power of the community and how with proper support, community members can achieve their potential, and by association, uplift the entire neighbourhood. This sort of work is exactly what I wish to do with my Sociology degree in the future. I cannot wait to learn more about the organizations that dedicate themselves to supporting the community, how they operate, and the community leaders who work so hard to make a difference. Having grown up in the Inner-City, I experienced many of its challenges from a place of privilege, and I would love to give back to this incredible part of the city. I have a deep love for my community, and I am so excited for this opportunity.

Louise Mangali

Louise Mangali (she/her) - Age 20 studying International Development Studies and Political Science. When I first heard of the inner-city work study program, I thought it would be an excellent way to learn about community-building as well as to deepen my understanding of reconciliation and what role I can play as a non-Indigenous settler. Further, I am hoping to learn and engage with community leaders and members that incorporate an Indigenous perspective, and I am looking forward to learning about Winnipeg's inner-city to gain a better understanding of community development. Overall, I am looking forward to being part of this unique program and gaining hands-on experience, while building positive relationships with my peers and the community!

Dorothy Harmon

Dorothy Lynnette Harmon (she/her) is my name and I am double majoring in the following programs Urban and Inner-City Studies/International Development Studies. My passion and interest in the Inner - City Work-Study program grew more intense after I graduated from Red River Collage (RRC). I realized how little I knew about Indigenous people and how vast and rich their history and culture affect every fabric of our lives here in Canada, the United States, Australia, and other parts of the world. As an immigrant and a community developer, knowing about the people I want to assist and understanding their way of life and why they do things a certain way, and their belief system is my first success. In short, understanding their values and acceptance of who they are will play a major role in assisting them. I hope to learn more about how reconciliation can be fully achievable between Indigenous people, citizens, and the government. I hope to have gained the knowledge, experience and tools needed to contribute to the reconciliation process. After my graduation, I hope to be equipped to help build vibrant communities where Indigenous people can once again live with pride and dignity. In addition, I like to share my concern about what effect the COVID-19 virus will have on Indigenous people and their communities, with the longstanding poor health issues and living conditions? I believe it is everyone’s challenge to help them survive the pandemic.

Adam Kelly

Adam Kelly (he/him) age 25, student of Business administration, specializing in Marketing, graduating in 2022  I’m interested in participating in the Inner-City Work Study because it will give me an opportunity to contextualize what I’ve learnt in the classroom alongside Winnipeg’s history and present reality. I sought a degree in business in order to gain skills that would allow me to be more effective in working alongside community organizations. Participation in this program feels like the fruition of that goal. I have a background working with small businesses and community arts organizations. In this program, I hope to learn real world skills that will help me better contribute to my community, and better understand the ways that businesses can support their stakeholders and community, especially in Winnipeg’s specific context. I bring a passion for learning new skills, excitement at meeting new people, and a strong work ethic to this program. I’m looking forward to collaborating on interesting problems with likeminded people from diverse backgrounds.

Julia Pound

Julia Pound She/Her age 21 in Urban & Inner City Studies.

I am interested in this program because I will gain hands on experience. I am also interested in social Justice issues in Winnipeg. I hope to learn how a social enterprise operates and collaborates with other Not-for-Profit organizations. I also hope to practice the skills and information I have learned in the classroom and apply it to my placement. I will contribute my passion for this field of study. I will apply the skills and experiences I have learned in my internship last year and apply it to this program. I enjoy participating in interesting class discussions. 

Bedel Shafea

Bedel Shafe’a, (he/him), age 26, I am a fourth-year Accounting major and minor in Economics in the faculty of Business and Economics. I anticipate graduating in the spring of 2022.

I am interested in the Inner-City Work-Study program because I think it is a unique program that enables U of W students to get exposed to the community in which we live and study. For the past three years, I have been involved with WUSC’s Local Committee program at the U of W. This program allowed me to get to know some of the Non-profits that serve our community including NEEDS, Immigrant Centre, and Welcome Place, where I have had the opportunity to see firsthand the life-changing work these organizations do in our community. Being part of the Inner-City program will allow me to further my understanding of the work these organizations do and how I can be part of the solution in advocating and advancing the wellbeing of the Inner-City Community. Equally, I hope to learn new perspectives in reconciliation and the Inner-City community in general from my peers in the course and the experts who I will have a chance to meet and work with at my placement. Aside from my work with WUSC, I have firsthand experience with some of the barriers and challenges in the Inner-City community as someone who immigrated to Winnipeg, lived, and worked in this community, thus, I believe my experience will enable me to keep building and maintain relationships with the community members and organizations.

Meagan Malcolm

Meagan Malcolm (She/her) is majoring in Criminal Justice at the University of Winnipeg. She will be graduating in 2021. This summer Meagan is participating in the Inner-City Work Program, and will be working with the organization called Newcomer Education Coalition an organization that is working to create a more inclusive and equitable schools in Manitoba for newcomer youth. Meagan is passionate about anti-racism education and racial equity in classrooms. She has worked as a Research Assistant (RA) that studied the Indigenous Course Requirement at the University of Winnipeg from the perspectives of Indigenous students. She plans to bring her passions into her work at the Newcomer Education Coalition. Meagan is excited to apply her theoretical knowledge that she gained from taking classes in Urban and Inner City Studies into a practical setting, and further her knowledge into the inner city and the nonprofit sector.

Kirstie Afable

Kirstie Afable she/her. I am 27 years old, majoring in Disability Studies. Having lived in the Inner City for five years has made me want to be involved and connect with the community more. Through this program, I hope to learn more and connect with the Inner city and Indigenous communities. I hope to contribute the skills I gained from working in the disability community and my lived experiences being an immigrant. Learning about the challenges towards healing and reconciliation between Canada and Indigenous communities motivated me to advocate for equality and justice for the marginalized communities.

I look forward to the opportunities and experiences that I will gain from this program, and I hope that being involved in this program can encourage more immigrants to participate in the Inner City community!

Samantha Yarmiy

Samantha Yarmiy  I go by she/her pronouns, and I am 21 years old. I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in UIC and Disability studies and I became interested in the Inner-City Work program because I am passionate about community development. I hope to learn how to apply the valuable knowledge I have gained from my studies to working in this program. In my free time I volunteer within the community as a Girl Guide leader and a Ringette coach and I can contribute my knowledge, teamwork, and leadership skills I have gained from volunteering in those organizations.




Melvin Daligdig

Melvin Daligdig He/Him. I am a student at the University of Winnipeg majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Conflict Resolution. I am looking forward to being part of the Inner City Work Study program because through my time in University, I've wanted to learn more about how I could become more involved in various communities in the city. I hope to gain more connections to the different community oriented organizations in the city and learn how to best support each one. I also would like to work toward creating enhanced programs for the community and schools because the issues communities face are complex and require innovative and creative solutions.


Berrigan Miller Harms

Berrigan Miller Harms She/They Age 23 studying Conflict Resolution and Human Rights and expecting to graduate in 2022

I wanted to join this program because I’m passionate about working from the ground up to create capacities for peace and human rights, and this program gives students these opportunities. Working directly with local organizations is an incredible way to familiarize ourselves better with our community partners and our neighbors! I really hope to learn more about the work that organizations have done and are continuing to do to tackle numerous social justice issues in Winnipeg. I grew up in a diverse community where the concept of someone’s race, gender identity, sexuality, faith, abilities, and economic status were embraced, even if it differed from mine. As a result, I have advocated for social justice and equality from a young age. I’ve had opportunities both in Turtle Island and abroad to work alongside community organizations that are crucial in creating change and equality and dismantling oppressive colonial systems. As a settler and immigrant to Treaty 1 and Treaty 2, I want to continue my experience of learning how to decolonize and indigenize spaces by working alongside peoples and groups interested in addressing social problems in Winnipeg.

Mitchell Klippenstein

Mitchell Klippenstein I am interested in taking part in the Inner-City Work study program in order to become more involved in the community, as well as gain a better understanding of how non-profit organizations operate.  As a criminal justice student, I believe it is important to have experience working in the inner-city, in order to form a comprehensive understanding of how communities operate at the grassroots level. I am hoping to make connections with community members, as well as find ways that I can assist.


Ashley Cameron

Ashley Cameron  she/her/they. Tansi! I am 22 years old. I am currently enrolled in Criminal Justice and Conflict Resolution at the University of Winnipeg. I was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba and my family roots are with Fisher River Cree Nation and Swan Lake First Nation, both located in Manitoba.

One of the reasons I took an interest in participating with the Inner City Work Study Program was from  taking a few Conflict Resolution courses as noted above at the University of Winnipeg. I have been learning about holistic approaches to resolve and heal issues in within our Indigenous communities. As a young Cree and Ojibway woman, I am only now learning about Canada’s dark history with Indigenous peoples and how I and many others have been, and continue to be, impacted by oppressive systems and policies. I want to become a part of the change I want to see in the future, by healing, teaching and learning.  When I did some research and reading about the Inner City Work Study program, I recognized an opportunity that would not only allow me to engage in reconciliation but I would also gain knowledge to take back to our communities.  I hope to gain experience by working with others who come from different backgrounds and journeys. I want to gain a stronger sense of awareness and to be able to listen with an open mind. Although I was not exposed to much Indigenous culture or teachings growing up, in the past few years as a young adult I have been actively pursuing more teachings. It is my hope that I will also be learning and becoming more culturally aware through the cultural awareness programs along with participants. This active learning will assist in my understanding of Restorative Justice from an Indigenous world view.  As an Indigenous woman, I hope to encourage and support Indigenous youth and participants in the program that anything is possible. I want to acknowledge the trauma Indigenous people have experienced in this country, so that we as a people can heal and build brighter futures now and for the generations to come.

Allen Heerema

Allen Heerema is a 35 year-old settler, a letter carrier, a board member of Functional Transit Winnipeg, and a Political Science, Geography and Urban and Inner City Studies student aspiring to work in housing or city planning. He is eager to take part in the Inner City Work Study to get out of the classroom to gain some valuable experience with community base organizations, getting first-hand experience of the minutia of working in the sector, and building relationships with service providers and clients. Allen is excited to put his passion and interest in low-barrier, low-income housing and urban equity to good use in Winnipeg’s inner city, taking part in the inspiring movement towards a more equitable and compassionate city for the benefit of everyone.


Alyssa Selk

Alyssa Selk  She/Her age 22 in Urban and Inner City Studies .

I am interested in participating in the Inner City Work Study Program so I can give back to the community and actively work towards reconciliation. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the work community-based organizations do to meet the needs of community members and learn from individuals’ experiences. It was not until I became a student in the UIC program that I realized my passion for social justice and began to learn more about my culture. Reclaiming my Métis identity and learning more about my family’s history has had a positive impact on my life, and I am looking forward to walking alongside others on their journey as well. In the future I hope to continue my education and attend law school to continue advocating for Indigenous rights and prison reform.

Paul Carruthers

Paul Carruthers The reason I am enrolled in this program is to gain valuable experience in the Non-Profit and Community Development sectors, as well as to gain a more nuanced understanding of the issues surrounding the Inner-City of Winnipeg and insight into the work that is being done to solve them. I also wish to build allies within the program and use my background of theoretical Political Science and apply it to the world outside of the classroom, engaging in harm reduction in the process. Thank you to all sponsors, organizers and participants for making this program possible.



Alexandrea Lawrence

Alexandrea Lawrence (she/her), age 20, studying criminal justice and sociology. 

I am very excited to be participating in the inner-city work study because I want to make a difference in the city I live in. I am looking forward to working with different people and learning what my role is in creating reconciliation. I hope to gain workplace skills, real- world knowledge, and knowledge on Winnipeg’s inner- city communities. My experience in working in youth programming will allow me to bring organization, team- work skills, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn to this program. 



Mackenzie Harcus

Mackenzie Harcus she/her age 22 studying Human Rights and expect to graduate in Fall 2021.

I am participating in the Inner-City Work study program to gain experience in the field of non-profit and to actively engage in positive relationship building and reconciliation. As a white settler woman, I aim to foster reconciliation by centering the experiences of marginalized peoples and by acting as an ally in order to build deeper community relationships. This program offers an excellent opportunity to see theory in practice and I am especially interested in learning more about how organizations in my own community are engaging in processes of decolonization. My personal experiences have led me to a focus on women’s reproductive health and rights, so I am very pleased to be working with a community health center through this program.


Kelsey Wold

Kelsey Wold  She/Her age 26 studying Rhetoric and Communications and Indigenous Studies

I am interested in the Inner-City Work Study program because, although I have learned so much through my studies and value the  education I have received thus far, I believe that lived experience is one of the best ways to learn. Having the opportunity to apply the theory I have learned through this Work Study program will allow me to transform my knowledge into skills. I hope to learn first hand about the inner-workings of a non-profit organization. These organizations give so much to their communities, and I am extremely excited to be a part of one, and to see exactly what it takes to work in this field. I also hope to meet new people who will teach me new things and show me different points of view. I will contribute enthusiasm, passion, an attention to detail, eagerness to learn, an open mind, and my very best efforts to the program. I am confident that I can rise to the challenges of the position, and look forward to dealing with new situations and environments, and meeting new people.

Lucy Inderieden

Lucy Inderieden she/her age 23

I became interested in the Inner-City Work-Study Program because I believe it is pertinent to understand how communities directly respond to and interact with systems of development. Often these systems are oppressive and operate with methods that are power over, not power with. This means if I want to work within the community my ears, eyes, and actions need to remain open to what the community is asking for, not what I believe is the right option. With the Inner-City Work-Study program, I am able to observe how the organization I am working with listens to and acts with the community as well as having the opportunity to learn from my peers about other issues the inner city of Winnipeg is facing. Through this program, I am hoping to learn more about reconciliation in the context of housing rights and food security. Most importantly though, I hope to learn more about the intricacies of the non-profit sector and its role in filling gaps left by inactive government policies, replacing standard economic development, building capacity and empowering individuals, and facilitating social transformations.  The Inner-City Work Study program is not specifically feminist based, but all issues are womyns issues. I hope my feminist values and passion for equity can contribute to the conversations and actions already taking place within the inner city of Winnipeg. With these values and passions, I hope to maintain an advocacy role within the community I am serving. If I am able to do so, I hope to uplift the individuals I work with, for when the community can value its own gifts and assets it tends to look at the whole picture as an infinite connection of wellbeing instead of a world where everything is broken. I am honored to have the opportunity to be working with The West Broadway Community Organization (WBCO) for my Inner-City Work-Study Program. WBCO is dedicated to the social and economic development of the West Broadway neighborhood in downtown Winnipeg. Through this commitment WBCO has created a multitude of programs that address food insecurity, housing rights, community safety and wellbeing, and a sustainable environment among many other community needs. One of the most important aspects of community work and development is understanding the intersection of social, economic, political, and environmental concerns of a neighborhood. WBCO recognizes that in order to create a safe and healthy community, they need to be willing to tackle all of these concerns. This commitment and work towards neighbourhood renewal is what I am looking forward to learning and growing from.