- Air Quality and Urban Prosperity: An Analysis of Municipal Composting and Urban Agriculture as Air Pollution Reduction and Mitigation Policies for Winnipeg
Warga, Alyssa F.
Urban air pollution has serious implications for physical wellbeing and socioeconomic prosperity in cities This paper investigates how Winnipeg can decrease emissions and mitigate existing air pollution. It analyzes municipal composting and urban agriculture as potential policies for Winnipeg and finds that these policies are viable. However, the successful execution of each policy depends on adequate accommodation of their associated social and political challenges, and the development of the social infrastructure critical to support programs.
- Street Health Sub Reports
Hinds, A.
Dr. Aynslie Hinds contributed data-analysis and writing to the 2018 Winnipeg Street Health Survey undertaken by End Homelessness Winnipeg; as well as two forthcoming sub-reports: Street Health and Gender, and Street Health and Indigenous People.
- Seniors and Evictions in Canada: A Life-Course Approach
Zell, S., McCullough, S.
The impact from evictions has become a topic of increasing concern, with a growing body of research highlighting the phenomenon around the world. Evictions have tended to be concentrated in lower-income vulnerable populations which includes seniors and older adults. The experiences of seniors remains an unexplored aspect of housing insecurity and evictions. This study contributes and builds from previous foundational work completed by the Institute of Urban Studies examining seniors’ experience of eviction and how that experience various by gender, and the ways which senior tenants could be better supported.
Final report release pending.
- Understanding Affordability Challenges for Homeowners in Core Housing Need
McCullough, S., Zell, S.
This project extends the understanding of homeowners in Core Housing Need by examining the intersection of housing affordability challenges with those of adequacy and suitability, as well as the barriers to homeowners accessing alternative affordable housing in their communities.
Final report release pending.
- Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership:
Divided Prairie Neighbourhood: West Broadway’s Story of Hope, Challenge, and Resiliency
- Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership:
Distasio, J., Maunder, M., Zell, S., Quanbury, D.
Welcome to West Broadway, West Broadway is an older, centrally located neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Canada. It is an area with a compelling and diffcult story and history. Its growth over the last 50 years is marked by periods of hope, struggle and uncertainty over its future. In telling West Broadway’s story, we draw from stakeholders who reflect on decades of personal experience. As well, we delve into the neighbourhood’s history using an archive of visual and written documents. All told, these sources help reveal the reality of neighbourhood change in a diverse community located in the heart of Winnipeg’s inner city.
- Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership:
Gain, Loss, and Change: The Impact of Condos on Winnipeg Neighbourhoods
- Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership:
Carter, T., McCullough, S., Shirtliffe, R., Northcote, C.
With a new dataset we bring a nuanced understanding to the impact of condominiums on Winnipeg Neighbourhoods. Key themes emerging from this study are the loss of affordable rental housing, but a concurrent gain in affordable homeownership options. Additionally, the impacts of condos show very strong differences amongst neighbourhoods – in market effects, on rentals, and on demographics.
- Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership:
People, Policies, and Place: Indigenous and Immigrant Population Shifts in Winnipeg’s Inner-City Neighbourhoods
- Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership:
Distasio, J., Zell, S.
As part of this partnership, the IUS contributed to the book Changing Neighbourhoods: Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities,. The book analyzes and reflecting on income inequality and polarization in major cities across Canada. Jino Distasio and Sarah Zell from IUS wrote a chapter on the spatialization of Winnipeg’s growing income inequality, highlighting demographic shifts in Indigenous and recent immigrant populations in the inner city. Concluding chapters of the book focus on specific themes that arise throughout the analyses in various cities.
- City of Selkirk: Selkirk Now
Shirtliffe, R.
Working with the City of Selkirk the IUS worked to develop a set of interactive maps and dashboards for the City of Selkirk Sustainable Economic Development's Selkirk Now website. Several maps on Planning and Assessment, Opportunity Properties, and other topics were produced alongside demographic and economic dashboards.
- Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation Data and Mapping
Shirtliffe, R.
The IUS was contracted to collect data and map data for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and surrounding region. National Topographic System maps at 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 were collected, digitized, and georefenced, as well as other topographical features collected and made accessable through the mapping portal.
This project is proprietary, and no product publically is available.
- The City of Winnipeg Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment
McCullough, S., Carter, T., Janzen, T., Sinclair, E., Shirtliffe, R., Ferguson, B., Hammam, E.
The City of Winnipeg Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment was commissioned by the City of Winnipeg with the purpose of identifying the housing requirements of Winnipeg’s current and future population. The report consisted of two components: an assessment of the housing continuum to identify where supply/demand was not balanced; and an evaluation of the major policies designed to stimulate housing supply to respond to demand requirements. The Assessment identifies gaps along the housing continuum, identifies where and for whom housing needs are most significant, evaluates government policy affecting housing, establishes the baseline data needed for housing interventions, and provides recommendations and targets for addressing housing needs across the city.
The City of Winnipeg Housing Assessment is available from the
- Evictions and Eviction Prevention in Canada
Zell, S., McCullough, S.
Evictions and their impact are an increasing concern, across Canada and worldwide. This study, conducted in 2019 and early 2020, examines evictions in Canada through a literature review, interviews with housing service providers and with people who have experienced evictions, and through the compilation of an inventory of eviction prevention measures across Canada. Findings from these multiple lines of inquiry suggest that across Canada the drivers, types, and magnitude of evictions have shifted over the past 15 years. We note trends in the contributing factors and impacts of evictions, and developed a typology of evictions and measures aimed at preventing them. Findings from this work suggest there has been an apparent rise in landlord-driven, development-related evictions, especially in the context of tight housing markets and a lack of affordable housing.
- RAS-DS Analysis for the Canadian Mental Health Association
Hinds, A.
Dr. Aynslie Hinds developed a database and produced analysis of RAS-DS data for the CMHA. This project is proprietary, and no report is available.
- Evaluation of UMatter: Youth Dating Violence Prevention Project
Hinds, A.
Working with Ka Ni Kanichihk, Dr. Aynslie Hinds evaluated this youth dating violence prevention project; provided feedback on the curriculum modules and assisted with the youth curriculum review. This project is proprietary, with findings presented in Sept. 2020.
- Evaluating Outcomes for Refugee Families in IRCOM’s Transitional Supportive Housing
Zell, S., Hinds, A.
Dr. Sarah Zell and Dr. Aynslie Hinds developed a database of IRCOM’s housing information (Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba), to identify how IRCOM programs affect refugee families’ housing outcomes. This project is awaiting publication by the funder – CMHC; and a phase 2 project is ongoing.
- Indigenizing Housing First
Distasio, J., Zell, S., McCullough, S., Edel, B.
This report serves as a general guide for implementing and delivering Housing First in Indigenous community contexts. The objective is to offer a framework that places community localizing efforts at the forefront to help ensure the best fit is achieved for launching Housing First initiatives.
- CMHC Country Profiles
McCullough, S., Hinds, A., Shirtliffe, R.
The objective of the CMHC Country Profiles was to refresh and redraft the CMHC’s Country Profiles, create a Comparative Summary Table, and provide a database of sources and documentation. Each profiles included summary information on housing, national policies and strategies, legislative and institutional frameworks, and provide information on housing related programing. Thirteen country profiles were created, and included countries such as Australia, England, France, and Germany.
This project is propriety and no publication is available.
- Metis Kids: Starting Behind
Distasio, J., Hinds, A.
Using the Early Development Instrument (EDI) that assesses readiness for school across five domains, Dr. Jino Distasio and Dr. Aynslie Hinds review how Metis children fare compared to children who are not Metis. As well, we examined performance by EDI domain, sex, and region. The domains are physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive development, and communication skills and general knowledge. Children are assessed as “ready” or “not ready” for school based on scoring above or below the 10th percentile using Canadian norms as a cut-off.
Final Report
- Safe And Sound: A Special Report on The Unexpected Sleep-Related Deaths of 145 Manitoba Infants
Hinds, A.
Dr. Aynslie Hinds produced analysis of the health data, and Ryan Shirtliffe produced maps for this report. Available from the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY)
- Street Health Report
Hinds, A.
Dr. Aynslie Hinds contributed data-analysis and writing to the 2018 Winnipeg Street Health Survey undertaken by End Homelessness Winnipeg.
- Indigenizing Housing First – UAKN
Distasio, J., Zell, S., Snyder, M.
This research examines urban Aboriginal homelessness and its effect on the overall wellbeing and social cohesiveness of peoples living in Winnipeg. Using a community-centered approach, we seek to document and analyze how Winnipeg adapted the mainstream Housing First model to reflect the local Indigenous context.
- End of Operating Agreements Phase II
McCullough, S., Zell, S.
The goal of the End Operating Agreements Phase II was to assist social housing providers in Manitoba plan and prepare for the end of their individual agreements, to strengthen each provider’s capacity, and to increase their sustainability. This guide provides resources for non-profit housing providers as they transition to their end of their operating agreements, and provides a practical step-by-step guidance for planning for the expiry of agreements.
- 2018 Winnipeg Street Census
The 2018 Winnipeg Street Census was a continuation from the work completed in the 2015 Winnipeg Street Census. Over twenty Partners and Organizations coordinated with the Winnipeg Street Census, including the City of Winnipeg, the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, and the IUS which provided Mapping, and Routeing support. The survey was conducted on April 17 th & 18 th 2018, and preliminary findings showed approximately 1,500 people were experiencing homelessness at that time in Winnipeg.
- Winnipeg Downtown Market Study
McCullough, S., Distasio, J., Shirtliffe, R.
This study was commissioned by UWCRC 2.0 Inc. as a supplement to available CMHC Rental Market information and as an analysis of demographic and housing market factors in the downtown Winnipeg housing market. This project is proprietary and no publication is available.
- Downtown Profile – CentreVenture
- Downtown Profile – CentreVenture
McCullough, S., Distasio, J., Shirtliffe, R.
The Winnipeg Downtown Profile carries out an analysis of demographic and housing market factors that may influence the need for incentives in the downtown Winnipeg housing market. This report informs CentreVenture’s proposed “ 10 Year Housing Evaluation” and helps to address the proposed question, “What price do new downtown housing projects need to achieve to encourage more people to move downtown?”
- MHCC - At Home Fact Sheets
- MHCC - At Home Fact Sheets
The At Home/Chez Soi Fact Sheets comprises a series of brief reports highlighting key features and themes of the At Home/Chez Soi Housing First demonstration project in Winnipeg. As a collection, the fact sheets provide a broad overview of the project’s structure, scope, methods, and outcomes to inform public understanding of the project.
- Vital Signs - Wpg Foundation
The Institute of Urban Studies, the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, and the IISD have formed a Consortium to provide data for the Vital Signs project of the Winnipeg Foundation (TWF).
- Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba
- Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba
The Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba collaborated with the IUS to complete a density study of Liquor Outlets, Property crime, and Violent crime. This project is proprietary and no publication is available.
- At Home/Chez Soi Project Sustainability
McCullough, S., Zell, S.
The At Home/Chez Soi Project Sustainability Report is the last Winnipeg Site Report of the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s At Home/Chez Soi project. It covers the final period of the project when Sustainability of the project was being planned and implemented, and tells the sustainability story of the project—what happened and why” (Taken from Executive Summary)
- Advancing Coordination Wpg Homeless Sector
Institute of Urban Studies, Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, AMR Associates, End Homelessness Winnipeg
This is the Final Report of the project, ‘Advancing Coordination of the Winnipeg Homeless Sector’. Over the last year, there have been efforts in the homeless serving community to map out service gaps and needs, and to discuss HPS funding and how it aligns with community priorities. The current project advances these efforts to integrate more community knowledge, planning, and engagement into the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) funding process.
- End Operating Agreements Phase I
McCullough, S., Zell, S.
The Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association (MNPHA) contracted the Institute of Urban Studies (IUS) at 新月直播 to undertake research on the End of Operating Agreements (EOA) in Manitoba. The ultimate goals of the project are to assist social housing providers in Manitoba plan and prepare for the end of their individual agreements, to strengthen each provider’s capacity, and to increase their sustainability. The primary intended outcome is the development of a comprehensive ‘training’ program or tool that can be used to assist individual providers with the creation of individualized plans for EOA.
- Where's Downtown? Varying Geographic Definitions of Winnipeg's Downtown and Inner City 1947-2004
Werner, A., McCullough, S.
This series of maps was created to provide a basic overview of how downtown Winnipeg has been defined over time and by different organizations.
- IUS Archive Project
- IUS Archive Project
Coutts, S., Werner, A., McCullough, S., Galston, R.
Over the past three years the IUS has undertaken a massive archival project to make all of its work since 1969 publically available. Phase one involved the restoration and reorganization of the IUS digital archives which resulted in the recovery of dozens of projects that were thought to have been lost. Phase two entailed the complete reconstruction of the IUS website and the uploading of all of the Institute’s reports from 1999 to 2015. The third phase involved digitizing and uploading material written between 1969 and 1999 as well as creating ‘special collections’ of reports such as The Axworthy Papers, and The Unicity Papers. In total, more than 450 documents were uploaded. This collection of material can be downloaded free of charge from the IUS website or by visiting the IUS winnspace repository.
- Confronting the Illusion: Developing a Method to Identify Food Mirages and Food Deserts in Winnipeg
- Confronting the Illusion: Developing a Method to Identify Food Mirages and Food Deserts in Winnipeg
Wiebe, K., Distasio, J., Shirtliffe, R.
IUS In-Brief Series
This In-Brief develops a new method to identify both food deserts and food mirages to broaden the understanding of barriers individuals face in accessing food. We find that while food deserts exist in Winnipeg, food mirages are even more prevalent - where affordability is a more common barrier to consuming healthy food than distance is. These results emphasize the need for future policy to target the incomes of individuals and food affordability rather than store locations.
ICA Conference Poster (2017) (PDF)
- Eviction Prevention: Toolkit of Promising Practices
- Eviction Prevention: Toolkit of Promising Practices
Distasio, J., McCullough, S.
This toolkit and resource guide is intended to be a short and accessible guide for organizations wanting to help their tenants build long-term, stable tenancies. The toolkit provides a scan of tools used by organizations undertaking eviction prevention work — also known as housing retention or housing stabilization.
- Winnipeg's Chinatowns: A Summary
- Winnipeg's Chinatowns: A Summary
Galston, R.
A summary of the City of Winnipeg's Chinatown in the downtown area. Describing the history, similarities, and future of Winnipeg's Chinatown.
- 2015 Winnipeg Street Census
Maes-Nino, C., Godoy, M., McCullough, S., Retzlaff, B., Wiebe, A., Wurcherer, L.
Twenty community-based agencies partnered to complete the Street Census Project. The IUS was one of these organizations, providing training and research support. On October 25-26 over 300 volunteers took part in Winnipeg's first street census. In total 1400 individuals were without homes on that night. This research provides numbers and statistics that are important to Winnipeg policymakers.
- Rooming Houses Community Update
- Rooming Houses Community Update
Institute of Urban Studies
This an update to the May 2014 Institute of Urban Studies In-Brief: Winnipeg's Vanishing Rooming Houses. The update was launched at an event held on December 3rd 2015. This report was created in partnership with four other concerned organizations to raise awareness about the state of Rooming Houses in Winnipeg's Inner-City. This event also included the launch of the OHQS tool for assessing rooming house and SRO quality.
- Observer-Rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS): Rooming House and Single Room Occupancy Edition
- Observer-Rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS): Rooming House and Single Room Occupancy Edition
Institute of Urban Studies
In partnership with the West Broadway Community Organization, the Institute of Urban Studies is proud to launch the Observer-Rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS) - Rooming house and Single Room Occupancy Hotel Edition. This is a survey tool for tenants, case managers, community-based organizations, and property owners to assess the quality of a rooming house.
- Downtown Winnipeg Developments 2005-2015 UPDATE
- Downtown Winnipeg Developments 2005-2015 UPDATE
Distasio, J., McCullough, S., Werner, A.
This update revisits the IUS In-Brief: Downtown Winnipeg Developments and Investments 2005-2013, bringing the analysis to 2015. We have re-catalogued and mapped developments with improved information, taking note of new development planned while removing a few tentative or stalled projects. It also refocuses the emphasis of the analysis, to the Drivers of Change in the downtown, bringing light to one additional driver —the impact of the provincial government spending in downtown Winnipeg.
- The Importance of Rural Manitoba: A Discussion Paper
- The Importance of Rural Manitoba: A Discussion Paper
Ashton, W., McCullough, S.
The Rural Development Institute (RDI) commissioned eleven factsheets in celebration of its 25th anniversary. They detail ongoing changes to Manitoba’s rural demographics and economy. The intent of the factsheets is to compile and make information about rural Manitoba that is currently difficult to access more widely available. The factsheets were supported by two workshops where representatives of a dozen organizations working in rural areas or on rural development commented on the utility of the factsheets and how they could be used to guide policy.
- The Divided Prairie City: Income Inequality Among Winnipeg's Neighbourhoods, 1970-2010
- The Divided Prairie City: Income Inequality Among Winnipeg's Neighbourhoods, 1970-2010
Distasio, J., Kaufman, A. (ed).
Both income inequality and polarization are intensifying within Canadian cities. This growing wealth gap creates new socio-economic, ethno-cultural, and spatial divisions in the urban environment. While social division and inequality are hardly new issues in Winnipeg, recent media attention has highlighted significant divides in the city. This edited collection adds another voice to these conversations by exploring how income inequality and polarization impact people and spaces in an increasingly divided prairie city.
- Shopping for a Change: Using GIS to Measure the Food Security Impact of a New Downtown Grocery Store
- Shopping for a Change: Using GIS to Measure the Food Security Impact of a New Downtown Grocery Store
Werner, A.
This presentation was given at the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba: Sympo15 on Thursday May 13 2015. The overall purpose was to illustrate how GIS can be used to measure the food security impact of a proposed downtown grocery store.
- Housing and Affordability: A Snapshot of the challenges and successes for Winnipeg's African Community
- Housing and Affordability: A Snapshot of the challenges and successes for Winnipeg's African Community
Ervick-knote, H., Garang, R., Distasio, J.
Many African immigrants and refugees face significant barriers to integration upon arrival in Canada. Securing affordable and adequate housing is crucial in providing the stability needed to begin to tackle the barriers and integrate into Canadian society. The purpose of this study was to examine the housing experiences and related challenges of settlement of African immigrants and refugees in Winnipeg.
- Living in the Red: Exploring Winnipeg's Debtscape
Werner, A., Distasio, J., McCullough, S.
IUS In-Brief Series.
This In-Brief highlights the TransUnion dataset available through Winnipeg’s Community Data Consortium. We examine the spatial patterns of non‑mortgage debt, bankruptcy risk, and the back-end debt ratio in Winnipeg.
- Mixed-Income Housing Developments: Separating Myth from Reality
Coutts, S.
IUS Student Paper Series
This student paper provides an overview of the concept of mixed-income housing in Canada and uses the example of Winnipeg's Lord Selkirk Park revitalization as an example of successful redevelopment.
- Site Analysis of 1270 Notre Dame Ave
Wiebe, K., Shirtliffe, R., McCullough, S. & Distasio, J.
The Institute of Urban Studies has prepared this site analysis to assess the advantages and challenges of developing 1270 Notre Dame Ave. into a multi-use facility for the Swampy Cree First Nations Tribal Council. The content of this analysis is thus intended to present the physical, geographical, social, economical, and cultural landscape of the property and its surrounding area to determine the site’s suitability for a multi-use development. This project is proprietary and no publication is available.
- Winnipeg Final Report: At Home/Chez Soi Project
- Winnipeg Final Report: At Home/Chez Soi Project
Distasio, J., Sareen, J., Isaak, C.
This report presents the results of a four-year study (2009-2014) examining the Housing First model of homelessness intervention. The project followed 513 participants for two years. The Winnipeg site explored how to implement the Housing First model in a culturally appropriate way by partnering with local indigenous and non-indigenous organizations, universities, and government departments.
- The Lived Experience Circle: An Advisory Committee of the At Home/Chez Soi Project's Winnipeg Site
- The Lived Experience Circle: An Advisory Committee of the At Home/Chez Soi Project's Winnipeg Site
Hatch, J.
IUS In-Brief Series
This In-Brief highlights the activities of the Lived Experience Circle (LEC). This group was formed in 2010 as an advisory group to the Winnipeg site of the At Home/Chez Soi (AH/CS) study. The AH/CS study is the largest of its kind ever anywhere in the world.
- Winnipeg's Vanishing Rooming Houses: Change in the West Broadway and Spence Neighbourhoods
Kaufman, A., Distasio, J.
IUS in-brief Series
This In-Brief documents the disappearance of rooming houses from two inner-city neighbourhoods. A community forum held on May 27th, 2014 will bring together more than 80 rooming house tenants, landlords, community members, government representatives, researchers, service agencies and students to discuss the state of rooming houses in Winnipeg.
- Downtown Trends: Downtown Winnipeg Market Research 2014
- Downtown Trends: Downtown Winnipeg Market Research 2014
Syvixay, J., McCullough, S.
The IUS and the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, CentreVenture, The Forks North Portage Partnership, and Economic Development Winnipeg partnered to provide a snapshot of people who work, live, learn and experience downtown. The Downtown BIZ authored the final report and website. A PDF version of the report is available here.
- A Global Market in the Heart of Winnipeg: Measuring and Mapping the Social and Cultural Development of Food in the Central Market for Global Families
- A Global Market in the Heart of Winnipeg: Measuring and Mapping the Social and Cultural Development of Food in the Central Market for Global Families
Wiseman, K., Distasio, J., Ngarboui, R.
This report examines local food options through a lens of social equity - closing the gap between inner-city newcomers and the high prices of the current food options available to them. The findings and discussion naturally led to possibilities for improving the health of the population, which lacks everyday access to fresh and culturally appropriate produce. The research for this project was conducted in 2009-2010.
- Holding On!: Supporting Successful Tenancies for the Hard to House
Distasio, J., McCullough, S., Havens, M., St.Aubin, Z.
This report is a review of housing retention practices across Canada with a model framework. Research included in-depth interviews with nearly 50 key informants, a focus group, and site visits; covering 7 cities and 28 organizations that house the homeless.
- Immigrant Settlement Services (Consultation Work with the Rural Development Institute, Brandon University)
Research for Labour and Immigration Manitoba on immigration, settlement, and integration programming across Manitoba. The goal of the project was to develop a framework to inform the transition to the new federal system.
- By Any Other Name: The Street Sex Workers of Winnipeg
Ward, R.
IUS Student Paper Series
This student paper discusses the factors contributing to the disproportionate representation of Indigenous women and girls among street sex workers and reviews current legislation and suggests methods to shift the societal approach to sex trade workers.
- Revitalization in Downtown Winnipeg
Distasio, J., McCullough, S.
Article published in Plan Canada, November 2013.
- Downtown Grocery Stores: Mapping of Existing Against Demographics
Werner, A., McCullllough, S.
The IUS produced a briefing map for the Downtown BIZ. It was also used by the Downtown Grocery Store Feasibility Analysis by . July 2013.
- Environmental Scan of Crime Prevention Programs: for the Winnipeg Committee for Safety
Environmental scan and database compilation of crime prevention programs operating in Winnipeg. Seventy-six programs were identified and categorized; and policy recommendations were offered.
- The Migration of Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Prairie Context: Exploring Policy and Program Implications to Support Urban Movers
- The Migration of Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Prairie Context: Exploring Policy and Program Implications to Support Urban Movers
Distasio, J., Sylvestre, G., Wall-Wieler, E .
Paper published in Geography Research Forum.
- Downtown Winnipeg: Developments and Investments, 2005-2013
- Downtown Winnipeg: Developments and Investments, 2005-2013
Distasio, J., McCullough, S., Werner, A.
IUS In-brief Series
This IUS In-Brief explores the rapid upswing in investment in Winnipeg's downtown over the last eight years by collecting and mapping the changes that have taken place during this frenzied period of development.
- City of God and Elite Squad: From Fatalistic Violence to Agency
Nunes, V.
IUS Student Paper Series
This student paper analyzes how Brazilian favelas are depicted in two internationally known films: City of God (2002) and Elite Squad (2007).
- Needs Assessment for Affordable Family Housing: Morden, MB
- Needs Assessment for Affordable Family Housing: Morden, MB
McCullough, S., Lorch, B., Distasio, J.
An assessment of current and future affordable housing needs in Morden, Manitoba. Used as part of their application with Manitoba Housing for funding the construction of new affordable housing. This project is proprietary and no publication is available.
- Going Old School
Maunder, M., Distasio, J., Werner, A., McCullough, S.
IUS In-brief Series
In our first In-Brief discussion, the IUS and Mike Maunder team up to explore a longstanding issue facing a local Winnipeg high school trying to secure much needed greenspace. What emerges is a story about how ordinary citizens and others working collectively to make a difference in the community.
- At Home/Chez Soi Winnipeg Site: Later Implementation Evaluation Report
- At Home/Chez Soi Winnipeg Site: Later Implementation Evaluation Report
McCullough, S., Havens, M., Isaak, C., Deboer, T.
This report is the second documenting the implementation of the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s At Home/Chez Soi project in Winnipeg, covering the late 2010 to late 2011 period.
- Panhandlers and Winnipeg's By-Law: Perceptions and Realities
- Panhandlers and Winnipeg's By-Law: Perceptions and Realities
MacDonald, D.
IUS Student Paper Series
This student paper examines the impact of panhandling by-laws on panhandlers in downtown Winnipeg.
- Peguis First Nation TLE Selection, Acquisition and Development: Background Report & Strategic Framework
- Peguis First Nation TLE Selection, Acquisition and Development: Background Report & Strategic Framework
Distasio J., Dudley, M., McCullough, S.
Initial background research and strategic economic planning for Peguis First Nation building on their 2007 Treaty Land Entitlement and Surrender Trust.
- City Planning as Ideology and Practice: Ten Speeches by Dr. Earl A. Levin
- City Planning as Ideology and Practice: Ten Speeches by Dr. Earl A. Levin
Levin, Earl A., Dudley, M.
As both a consultant and a public sector planner Earl Levin was involved in some of Winnipeg's most important planning processes, including Neeginan and the Core Area Initiative. City Planning as Ideology and Practice is a collection of his speeches with an introduction by Michael Dudley. Published 2011.
Hard copies are available to borrow or purchase at the IUS library.
- Churchill Sustainability Planning Framework
- Churchill Sustainability Planning Framework
Distasio, J., Dudley, M., Moradzadeh, F.
The CSPF sets out the Vision, Values, and Priorities for making Churchill a more sustainable community, and provides a toolkit for moving priorities into action. It addresses the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability, and makes specific recommendations for the updated community plans and urban design document.
- Passing the Buck? Examining Canadian Banks Approaches to Financial Exclusion
- Passing the Buck? Examining Canadian Banks Approaches to Financial Exclusion
Buckland, J.
This report examines what Canadian banks say they are doing to address financial exclusion by identifying what banks understand about its causes, consequences, and solutions.
- Preventing Eviction and Managing for Successful Tenancies
- Preventing Eviction and Managing for Successful Tenancies
McCullough, S., Distasio, J., Dudley, M.
On Nov.10 2011, the Institute of Urban Studies conducted a workshop on managing for successful tenancies. The goal of this workshop was to develop an eviction prevention strategy for the Mental Health Commission of Canada's At Home / Chez Soi Winnipeg Site.
- Winnipeg Site Implementation Final Report
- Winnipeg Site Implementation Final Report
Dudley, M., Havens, M.
This report documents the implementation of the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s At Home/Chez Soi project in Winnipeg. It reports on the viewpoints and perspectives of the site’s stakeholders concerning the fidelity of the Site to its original plans; formative issues related to successes and challenges; stakeholder relationships; the involvement of participants; issues related to Site resources; and the influences and consequences of the local Site context in terms of adaptations made to Winnipeg Site and the resources upon which it has drawn.
- Development of a Winter Sidewalk Condition Bulletin: Report to Safe Communities Winnipeg
- Development of a Winter Sidewalk Condition Bulletin: Report to Safe Communities Winnipeg
Capelle, D., Wiebe, A., Sylvestre, G.
- West Broadway Community Plan 2011-2016
- West Broadway Community Plan 2011-2016
Sylvestre, G., Powell D.
Research only
- New Uses for Old Buildings: Organic Renewal in the West Exchange District, 1975 - 2010
- New Uses for Old Buildings: Organic Renewal in the West Exchange District, 1975 - 2010
Galston, R.
IUS Student Paper Series
This student paper examines the slow revitalization process that has occurred in the West Exchange, arguing that the lack of a major urban renewal programs and the abundance of cheap, reusable space has facilitated this revitalization.
- Sustaining a Living, Inclusive and Creative City
- Sustaining a Living, Inclusive and Creative City
Distasio, J.
This project linked the Institute of Urban Studies with the broader community in Winnipeg and Saskatoon for the purpose of participating in the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the theme of which is "Better City, Better Life."
- The Downtown Resident Survey Report
- The Downtown Resident Survey Report
Institute of Urban Studies.
The Downtown Residents Survey was intended to gather information regarding the habits and perceptions of downtown residents.
- Sustainable Churchill Interim Report
- Sustainable Churchill Interim Report
Institute of Urban Studies.
This interim report reports on a series of public consultations with residents in the community of Churchill as a part of the Sustainable Churchill initiative, which is a partnership between the Town of Churchill and the University of Winnipeg, and administered by the Institute of Urban Studies.
- Resource Toolkit for Supporting Older Drivers in the Community: Promoting Safety, Independence and Well-Being
- Resource Toolkit for Supporting Older Drivers in the Community: Promoting Safety, Independence and Well-Being
Cardona, K., Wiebe, A., Sylvestre, G.
This toolkit is a comprehensive document that will open readers up to the wealth of resources and opportunities available to mature drivers, their families/loved ones, health professionals, and community members.
- Report on Proposal Development at the Winnipeg Site of the At Home/Chez Soi Project
- Report on Proposal Development at the Winnipeg Site of the At Home/Chez Soi Project
Dudley, M.
This document reports on the efforts of the Winnipeg Site in developing its proposal and coming together as a Site. It is based on a series of interviews and focus groups utilizing a common research protocol developed by the National Team.
- Saint-Boniface: The Roman Catholic Values that Shape its Landscape
- Saint-Boniface: The Roman Catholic Values that Shape its Landscape
Thiessen, R.
IUS Student Paper Series.
This student paper analyses different divisions in the Saint-Boniface district. Three integral institutions, the cathedral, the college and the hospital, are used as case studies, exemplifying the church’s role in shaping Saint-Boniface’s townscape throughout history.
- A Preliminary Analysis of a Pedestrian Walkway Connection between the University of Winnipeg and the Downtown
- A Preliminary Analysis of a Pedestrian Walkway Connection between the University of Winnipeg and the Downtown
Institute of Urban Studies.
This report focuses attention on the potential of connecting the University of Winnipeg into the downtown skywalk system through 491 Portage Avenue (the Rice Building), which has been named the AnX1. The main purpose is to highlight preliminary strengths and weakness of this connection and detail critical next steps to fully understand the impact and feasibility of undertaking such an initiative.