Indigenous Peoples
Recent Reports
This report serves as a general guide for implementing and delivering Housing First in Indigenous community contexts. The objective is to offer a framework that places community localizing efforts at the forefront to help ensure the best fit is achieved for launching Housing First initiatives. |
This research examines urban Aboriginal homelessness and its effect on the overall wellbeing and social cohesiveness of peoples living in Winnipeg. Using a community-centered approach, we seek to document and analyze how Winnipeg adapted the mainstream Housing First model to reflect the local Indigenous context.
- 2018 Winnipeg Street Health Survey Final Report
Hinds, A.
Dr. Aynslie Hinds contributed data-analysis and writing to the 2018 Winnipeg Street Health Survey undertaken by End Homelessness Winnipeg; as well as two sub-reports: Street Health and Gendered Homelessness in Winnipeg, and Street Health and Indigenous People.
- The Migration of Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Prairie Context: Exploring Policy and Program Implications to Support Urban Movers. Distasio J., Sylvestre, G., Wall-Wieler, E. (2013).
Published in Geography Research Forum - Peguis First Nations TLE Selection. Acquisition and Development Background Report and Strategic Framework. Distasio, J., Dudley, M., McCullough, S. (2011).
- Evaluation Framework: Improving Access to Post-Secondary Education for Aboriginals and New Canadian Children and Youth. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2009). Proprietary
- The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Strategy: Local Survey Implementation. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2009). Training only
- Improving Access to Post-Secondary Education for Aboriginal and New Canadian Children and Youth. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2008). proprietary
- CESP Aboriginal Engagement Strategy. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2008). Proprietary
- The Urban Aboriginal Strategy: Community Consultations. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2008).
- Aboriginal Housing Plan: Manitoba Urban Native Housing Association, 2007. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2007).
Older Reports
- Aboriginal Female Lone Parents in Four Cities: Exploring Strengths and Challenges. Mulligan, S. (2006).
- First Nations/Metis/Inuit Mobility Study. Distasio, J., Sylvestre, G. (2004).
- The First Nations Housing Managers Training Program Peer Review Evaluation. Distasio, J., Dudley, M. (2004). Proprietary
- Aboriginal Focus Groups Discussion Paper. Distasio, J. (2003).
- The Future of Aboriginal Urbanization in Prairie Cities: Select Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review on Urban Aboriginal Issues in the Prairie Provinces. Kastes, W.G. (1993) Bibliographica Series No.5.
- The Ontario Métis: Characteristics and Identity. Peters, E., Rosenberg, M., Halseth, G. (1991). Native Issues Series No.4.
- Health Care in Saskatoon's Inner City: A Comparative Study of Native and Non-Native Utilization Patterns. Waldram, J.B., Layman, M.M. (1989). Native Issues Series No.3.
- Native Socio-economic Development in Canada: Change, promise and innovation. Lockhart, S., Wolfe, J., Cunningham, G., Convey, L., McArthur, D., House., J.D. (1989). Native Issues Series No.2.
- Native Socio-economic Development in Canada: Adaptation, Accessibility and Opportunity. Armstrong, R., Bone, R., Kariya, P., Duerden, F. (1989). Native Issues Series No.1.
- Native Households in Winnipeg: Strategies of Co-Residence and Financial Support. Peters, E.J. (1984). Research and Working Paper No.5.
- Native Housing Conditions in Winnipeg. Clatworthy, S.J. (1983).
- Native Women and Work: Summary Report of a Winnipeg Survey. Hull, J. (1983).
- Native Economic Conditions in Regina and Saskatoon. Clatworthy, J.P., Hull, J. (1983).
- The Effects of Education on Native Behaviour in the Urban Labour Market. Clatworthy, S.J. (1981).
- Issues Concerning the Role of Native Women in the Winnipeg Labour Market. Clatworthy, S.J. (1981).
- Patterns of Native Employment in the Winnipeg Labour Market. Clatworthy, S.J. (1981).
- Economic Circumstances of Native People in Selected Metropolitan Centres in Western Canada. Clatworthy, S.J., Gunn, J.P. (1981).
- The Demographic Composition and Economic Circumstances of Winnipeg's Native Population. Clatworthy, S.J. (1980).
- Kinew Housing Incorporated. Institute of Urban Studies. (1973).