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CAIJ Working Groups

Working Groups

The CAIJ and its members may decide to structure their inquiries and organize their public interest research projects according to thematically-oriented working groups. CAIJ working groups will use freedom of information (FOI) and other strategies to locate government records for analysis. Contact us or attend the next meeting if you are interested in forming or joining a CAIJ working group!

Access Working Group
This working group uses FOI to critically evaluate how information access regimes operate in practice.

Policing Working Group
This working group uses FOI to examine trends in policing and security practices across Canada.

Carceral Working Group
This working group uses FOI to investigate the inside institutional practices of prisons, jails, and other carceral facilities in Canada.

Borders Working Group
This working group uses FOI to investigate the institutional practices of border agencies in Canada.

Big Data Working Group
This working group uses FOI to investigate the use of Big Data and surveillance across government agencies in Canada and beyond.