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Alex Luscombe is completing his PhD at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies. He has published on issues of policing, corruption, social theory, and freedom of information law. His past research has appeared in Social Forces, British Journal of Criminology, Sociology, International Political Sociology, Policing & Society, Criminology & Criminal Justice, as well as a number of other academic journals and edited volumes. He is co-editor of Freedom of Information and Social Science Research Design (Routledge). 

Jamie Duncan holds a master's degree from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. His work engages with the impacts of technology on government-citizen interactions with focus on mobility, security, and urban development. He has written and spoken on topics like policing and citizenship in 'smart' cities, the role of digital media in shaping press agency reporting of the Syrian war, and Canadian immigration policy and discourse. Jamie is an affiliate of the Ethics of AI Lab and Co-coordinator of the Emerging Scholars Program at the University of Toronto's Centre for Ethics.

Rebecca Hume (she/they) is a settler and guest on Treaty 1 lands, the homeland of the Métis Nation. She recently graduated from Ryerson University's Master of Arts in Communication & Culture Program, where she studied the fraught concept of reconciliation in the now-defunct Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) public news releases. She looks at how this concept functions in federal land claims settlements and self-government agreements to ensure ongoing colonial occupation of stolen land. She is a researcher in the University of Winnipeg’s Department of Criminal Justice, community organizer with Winnipeg Police Cause Harm, and has words in Canadian Dimension.

Anna Evans-Boudreau is in her first year of law school at the University of Manitoba. Anna volunteers with both the Feminist Legal Forum and Pro Bono Students Canada. In addition, Anna works as a constituency assistant, doing policy research and addressing community concerns. Anna became interested in settler-Indigenous relations, access to information and justice, gender stratification and policing while completing her Bachelor of Arts Honours in Sociology at the University of Winnipeg.

Chanelle Lajoie (she/they) lives and works on Treaty 1 Territory, the lands of her ancestors. As a Queer Métis graduate from the University of Winnipeg with a degree in Urban and Inner-City Studies, Chanelle recognizes the importance of research being conducted by the community, for the community. It is for this reason that she actively dedicates her time to uplifting her communities and amplifying their voices.

Andrew Crosby is currently completing a PhD in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University. As a freedom of information researcher engaged in social justice initiatives, he has published extensively in independent media, including The Leveller newspaper, Briarpatch Magazine, as well as Vice News. His research has appeared in Security Dialogue and Social Justice, with forthcoming publications in Geoforum and Canadian Public Administration. Andrew is the co-author of Policing Indigenous Movements: Dissent and the Security State.

Kevin Dick is a PhD Candidate and a Queen Elizabeth II Scholar in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and computer science from McGill University. His research interests are centered on the use of machine learning and high-performance computing infrastructure for data mining and analysis of large-scale, publicly available information. His most recent publications can be found in Nature Scientific Reports, the Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Computational Biology and Chemistry as well as in the proceedings of numerous conferences. As a researcher at the Centre for Access to Information and Justice, he aims to leverage his expertise in bioinformatics, data science, and machine learning to solve digital access problems and advance the use of computational methods for public interest research.