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CAIJ FOI Guidebook

Check back soon for the new CAIJ FOI Guidebook.

One Page Research Notes

These one page research notes are intended as a resource for those within the broader social science community who would like to use FOI as a method. The goal of these research notes is to provide tips and tricks to overcome common challenges and difficulties when using FOI as a method. Each of the authors have drawn from their own experiences and used this as the context from which to provide advice to other researchers.

This effort is a natural extension of the goals of the CAIJ and the Study Up Journal and is being overseen by Dr. Kevin Walby and Dr. Ciara Bracken-Roche. We accept one-page research notes on new topics on an ongoing basis. Please reach out to Dr. Kevin Walby (k.walby@uwinnipeg.ca) and Dr. Ciara Bracken-Roche (Ciara.brackenroche@mu.ie) if you would like to submit or discuss a new research note.

Do-It-Yourself Bureaucracy:
Field Notes, File Keeping, and the ATI/FOI Process [PDF]
Debra Mackinnon, University of Windsor

Standing on the shoulders of muckrakers:
Finding previously filed Access to Information requests [PDF]

Jamie Duncan, University of Toronto
May 19, 2021