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CFP for The Study Up

Study Up text with arrows pointing to it

The Study Up is a peer-reviewed publication featuring critical, investigative research using freedom of information (FOI) and access to information (ATI) disclosures as data.

The Study Up is published by the Centre for Access to Information and Justice (CAIJ) at the University of Winnipeg.

The Study Up is published once or twice a year online and in a printed format. The online format will appear via the OJS system hosted by University of Winnipeg.

The mandate of the journal is in its title: to investigate the state and corporate entities that govern our lives. The Study Up starts from the point of view that researchers have a moral, ethical, and professional duty to ‘study up’ (Nader, 1974), that is to study practices of power, authority, and governing. We acknowledge that studying up should not preclude approaches that are participatory and inclusive. Studying up could also mean studying up together or side-by-side in solidarity (Erickson, 2012; Gusterson 1997). It is exactly these kinds of collaborations and co-operative approaches to critical research that The Study Up and the Centre for Access to Information and Justice (CAIJ) seek to foster and showcase.

The Study Up features critical, investigative research using FOI and ATI disclosures as data, but is also open to other works that embody the notion of studying up.

Submissions to The Study Up should be no more than 5000 words. Submissions should be written in an engaging prose. Visual material such as copies of FOI disclosures can be included. This forum is open to journalists, activists, and scholars. The Study Up encourages collaborations between journalists, activists, and scholars.

The Study Up will use an open peer review process. This means that the authors and reviewers will not be anonymous. The authors and reviewers will be known to one another. The review process will therefore be less cutthroat and more collaborative and concerted.

Submit your work to the CAIJ by mail or email (caijuwinnipeg@gmail.com).