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Submission Guidelines and Procedures for The Study Up

Submissions to The Study Up must be original work and not published or submitted elsewhere for review. Manuscripts should range between 4500-5000 words including all references and notes.  Your identifying information should appear on a cover page, along with contact information, including your email address. Your work should include an abstract of under 250 words and a title. Citations and references should conform to APA guidelines. Footnotes should be used sparingly.

The Study Up will not publish any subject matter that advocates hatred, sexism, racism, or that supports the death penalty. All submissions to The Study Up will be subjected to open peer review and subsequent editorial acceptance prior to publication. Open peer review means that the authors and reviewers will not be anonymous. The authors and reviewers will be known to one another. The review process will therefore be less cutthroat and more collaborative and concerted.

If you are interested in submitting a book review, a research note or another form of written scholarship other than an article, please contact CAIJ in advance for further information. We welcome artistic works that relate to themes of access and information, secrecy and surveillance, power and authority, including visual art, poetry, prose and other art work.

All submissions must be sent electronically in MS Word format. Submissions will be reviewed by the editorial collective who are scholars who are suitably versed in the subject matter of the submission.  Two open peer reviews will normally be sought.

Following the review process an article will be either accepted, accepted subject to revisions, requested to be revised and resubmitted within a certain time frame, or declined. Acceptance of a piece will include open access through The Study Up journal page hosted by University of Winnipeg, and online search features including keyword searches, and physical publication in a volume of the annual review. Your work will also be publicized and available through Twitter, Facebook, and Academia.edu.

Submissions can be made via email to the CAIJ. caijuwinnipeg@gmail.com